Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Peachtree Road Race take 5!!

We're tagged up and ready to go!

Alex, Brian and me

me and my hubby

Alex and Brian
(how's the weather down there dad :)

I LOVE the start of the race!


here we go!

the sights
the Bald Eagles were a huge hit!

This gentlemen was my motivation to get up cardiac hill.
And believe me, it worked!


This was Brian and I's 5th year of participating in the Peachtree Road Race. This 10K has become part of our 4th of July tradition. Although I've done the race in previous years, I've never run the whole thing. I was determined this year to run the full 6.2 miles. My son Alex stayed with me and helped me over my 4 mile hump. He was such a good motivator and kept me laughing all most the whole time.
(except for the one part around mile 5 that I thought I was going to throw up, that was SO NOT funny)
 I finished the race in 1 hour and 6 minutes.
My superman hubby wanted to beat 44 minutes and he did, with a time of 43 minutes and 55 seconds.
Yes he does ROCK!!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

this little piggie

Super cute matching flippy flops and freshly painted sun kissed toes, just another reason why I LOVE summer!!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

me time

At the end of a long summer day - after all the watermelon has been eaten, the battles of the day have been extinguished, the fifth round of sandwiches have been devoured, the sunscreens been washed away and bodies have been (at least half way) showered, that's my favorite time.
I grab my latest magazine - titled something about cooking - my cocktail of choice and sit on my porch and thank the lord for the crazy day he has given me and for the strength to do it all over again the next day.