Monday, March 16, 2009

Just A Little Piece.....

Do you all remember these things??
As I was browsing at Target on Friday, I came across these little beauties....
I was immediately transformed back to 7th grade, oh the good ole days.
Pimples, having to wear a bra with nothing to put in it, menstrual cycles.
Gotta love puberty and Huaraches :)


Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said...

Oh, everything old is new again...except me!

Mel said...

speak for yourself. I still struggle with pimples, bras and menstrual cycles!
Yes I am 31 with the body of a pre-teen. :)

I'm just me... said...

Oh my word! I had the same pair of shoes, back in the day. How funny!

Emily Clare said...

I'd like to echo Mel's comment...must be nice to have clear skin, no cycle AND fill a bra! A girl can dream can't she!