Sunday, January 28, 2007

My wonderful children!!

Of course every mother thinks her children are wonderful and I am no exception. In the past few weeks both of the boys have made the honor roll at school for this nine weeks. Jakob was Student of the Month for his class. Alex made the Science Olympiad team at his school. (Out of about 200 students 25 were picked and my baby was one of them) And Hannah not to be out done by her brothers has had all good remarks from her teachers and her Speech teacher can not believe how far she has come this year. She has two wonderful role models!! And I have 3 really awesome kids!! On some days our house is so crazy I can't even think let alone see straight. But it is nice to take these few moments to remember how wonderful this life is.

1 comment:

Heather said...

You do have three great kids! It helps that they have such great parents. :) I'm glad all of you are doing well.