Everyday when the kids get home from school I ask them if they have had a good day and what has gone on since the last time I saw them. Sometimes I throw in extra questions like, what have you done for someone else today. I usually always get a good response from all 3 of them. Sometimes its as easy as I held the door open for someone or I helped my teacher. Sometimes they have big one's like I asked a kid to play with us that no one wanted or I helped someone up when they fell(of course I have to ask if they were the reason the other person fell and usually the answer is no!)
So today since it is Earth Day we thought we would share with our blog family what we did today for our planet..
We try and recycle everything that we can. We have always tried to recycle our cans and bottles. Last year I started breaking down all of our cardboard boxes. We would put out a trash bag everyday, sometimes two a day. Now since we stopped putting cereal boxes, granola bar boxes etc. we barely make a bag a day. We go to the recycling site that we have at Hobgood every week and make a dump.
We bought a water filter to hook up to the faucet, the amount of water bottles we recycle is crazy(we would go through a case of water in about 2 days!)
We also in the last few months have started to use biodegradable dishwashing soap and washing detergent. I have always had to use a Free and Clear soap because of Hannah's eczema. At Christmas time when I was at Whole Foods they had a sample of Seventh Generations detergent, so I tried it and loved it!!
I want my kids to understand that these little things we do, really do help our planet. If we all do a little, it adds up in a big way and our grandchildren will thank us!!
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