Saturday, September 6, 2008

Happy Birthday to Maren!

The birthday girl!!
Will and Gracie

The Lipani Family
The Johnson Family
what is this?!
waiting for Mr. Michael's CAKES!!
momma what are you doing?
Now I know what momma was doing, this is YUMMY!!

Will and Hannah
hey there brother, can you get me out of here?!
sweet Emily
Jakob catching the football

On Sunday we went over to the Lipani's to help them celebrate Maren's 1st birthday.
With all the hurricane craziness going on, we all tried to stay focused on the big picture.
And that was Ms. Maren's birthday. We had a great time with everyone!!
Michael was sweet enough to make me and Catrina our own birthday cakes. My birthday was the Monday before and hers was on Sunday (thanks Michael, that was very sweet!)

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