Monday, November 17, 2008

Each Second....

On Wednesday of last week, I told you all about my friend at work who was leaving that day to hopefully make it to her mommas bed side before she passed away. She did make it and she did lose her momma.
Her momma passed away on Thursday at 12:15 in the afternoon.

That Thursday at 12:15 in the afternoon, I was having a wonderful day off of work with my girlfriend Lena, laughing, making our "sweet tea" memories.

Isn't it just amazing how God works. With so much pain that goes on in the world, if we each stopped everyday and thought about a specific time of the day, those times bring something. Whether it's sometimes wonderful, sometimes heartbreaking, sometimes just a simple wave from a neighbor, but they always bring back something!

Every moment of every day is here for a reason and I know I, for sure am trying to soak up each and everyone....

Sunday 4 woman and myself from work, got together and made the 3 hour drive to help our dear sweet friend say good bye to her momma.

She was overcome with emotion when she walked into church. She was the strong woman that her momma had raised but she so desperately needed her momma at that moment.
And now it had all come full circle in her life.

We stayed with her and her family for the entire afternoon, we got to hear stories about our dear sweet friend. About her beauty pageant days and her life living in this SMALL town in South Georgia.
It was a beautifully cold, emotionally draining day. Our friend was BEYOND grateful that we all left our families on a Sunday and spend it with her, we all assured her we wouldn't of had it any other way.

Through the tears, the hugs and the stories we learned things about each other that we never would of learned in the walls of our preschool.

And I am beyond thankful for those seconds that have turned into memories.....

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

What a good friend you are!!

So sorry to hear about your friend's loss. I fear losing my mom so much. More so than my own death! (except that would leave my guys alone!)

This is so beautifully written! Well done!