I have been a bystander blogger for the last few days. Is that really a real term?
I guess it is now.
All of my favorite blogs have been going on around me.
Denise has been giving stuff away. Which I didn't win NOT ONE DARN THING!
And I might add that I REALLY wanted that picture frame Denise, I'm not bitter or anything but Teresa, I hope you REALLY REALLY like my prize!!
Elizabeth has been baking and making. Dear lord woman do you ever sleep? I wish I had your talent, your ideas all sound like they will taste and smell wonderfully delicious. You know if I put your name and wonderfully delicious in the same sentence then your pretty much family :)
Heidi (not me, another super cool chick named Heidi) she has been creating her ever so cute pictures of her family, doing wonderfully delicious things. (Girl, you already know your in the family)
And me I've just been reading and watching....
While I've been reading and watching.....
We've had a super cool 13th birthday party for my boy.
A 13 hour swim meet, OK the meet wasn't that long but we were out of our house that long. And let me tell you at some point that day, I told Brian the only thing that will make this day even a little bit bearable is if you tell me were going to Outback when were done?
If you were wondering......we've been married for over 13 years, where do you think we went after the meet :)
We went and shared in an Atlanta tradition, "The Pink Pig", with our Louisiana gang.
We had LOTS and LOTS of holiday parties at the kids schools. And did I mention LOTS and LOTS of teachers gifts and bus driver gifts and coaches gifts and speech teachers gifts......
We prepared as a family for our cookie party that we hosted this weekend.
And today, on this Sunday before Jesus birth, we celebrated an early Christmas with my
in laws and enjoyed a wonderfully CHILLY day by our fireplace!
Girl you are so busy and I'm glad you had a lazy day by your fireplace. Might I add you pretty 2 tiled fireplace with cozy new carpet!!!!!!!
Today I sat on the couch in front of my fireplace all day with the family. It was ever so relaxing before we have loads of company for the next 2 weeks. I love my family!!!!!
Merry Merry Christmas!
Heidi, I am so TERRIBLY sorry that you didn't win the digital picture frame!!! But I'm planning on doing this again next year so maybe you'll win it then!
We had a swim meet as well!! Then went sledding and best of all DADDY is home for the week! Yippee
"My goal in life is to make others feel inadequate."
Martha Stewart
(Oh my dear, what a sweet note you wrote about me. But, alas, it's not really THAT true. I scheduled these posts oh so long ago to make it LOOK like I'm Martha. But, I'm not. I'm just Bet, sucking on a candy cane for lunch at 3:30 in the afternoon and wondering just how in the heck I could be out of two crucial ingredients for Chex Mix, one of them being the Chex. Sigh.)
It's 1.8 freeekin' degrees here--and that's pretty close to the high temp today. brrrrrrrrr
Merry Christmas girl, if I don't get to shout out to ya. Make it merry.
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