Thursday, December 11, 2008


I have to put these on here because, I'm still in SHOCK over the snow thing. I know, I know, some of you Northern people are like SERIOUSLY little Southern girl get over it!! But I still am AMAZED. This is one of the most beautiful things I've seen in Louisiana.....
This is my momma and daddy's house and their side property covered in WHITE!!
Love the pictures momma and daddy!!


I'm just me... said...

Very pretty!!!

Anonymous said...

Been following your blog for a while - I still live in Louisiana and was here 20 years ago when it last snowed on my 32nd birthday. Was working downtown BR - normally took me half an hour to get home and when the whole town freaked out and they sent us home it took me an hour and a half.

Fast forward 20 years to Thursday morning - my dad called me at 6 a.m. (never a good sign at my house for the phone to ring that early and then I couldn't find the phone - one of the kiddos (or me) had moved it) to tell me it was snowing.

And snow it did!!!! Chunks of snow that stayed on the ground. My little one even made a snow angel.

If you want, email me and I'll "invite" you to my blog so you can see more pics.
