Thursday, December 25, 2008

A baby and a momma, what else is there?

What is it about those 2 little words that makes everyone so jolly and happy and so damn gitty with joy......MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Those 2 little words, have made me wear a goofy grin on my face for almost 24 hours now....well not really 24, but you know what I mean.

The building up to the day, the day before and the entire day itself makes me have, I hate to say it but, visions of sugarplums dancing in my head.

Like everything that is wrong in the world is OK, for this one EVER so special day. At least for me anyway.

And its not because of presents (you all that know Brian and I personally, know that my husband isn't the shopping kind :)

It's just that I know inside my heart and very long time ago, a woman gave birth to a baby. And that baby that, that young girl gave birth to became my LORD and SAVIOR.

No matter what YOU believe, this is what I believe.....

This past year, my husband and I have been having a hard time with our religion.
Were kind of at a cross roads, a growing up if you will, about our future and where we would like to continue on celebrating mass.

We pray together as a family all the time.

I pray pretty much as long as I'm awake.

And it's more than the "sweet Jesus, Mary and Joseph please let me make it through the day without hurting someone " :)

When I see something I need strength for, I pray.

When I think about a new idea or a different way of doing something, I pray about it.

In a way it is a mediation for me, my own little personal legs crossed and folded, hands down at my sides, palms turned up, middle finger pressed to thumbs and HMMMMM.......

Believe me, I need that more than I need sweet tea, well maybe not but you get the importance of it all.

Trying to make sense of it all and at the same time questioning everything that you have always know to be the "gospel" is a hard thing.

What I do know is know matter what "religion" I am. I am always going to believe that Merry Christmas means, that night in a stable a baby was born and the rest is history.....

I hope you all have had a wonderfully BLESSED Merry Christmas..

I hope you have had peace in your heart and a big goofy grin on your face :):)


PEACE AND LOVE, The Johnson's

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