Thursday, March 19, 2009

78 of 365 memories....Is it good for your colon??

4 out of 5 mom's say that feeding their kids green leaf lettuce leads to happy kids and healthier coats hearts.

Let's see what the lab rats kids say......

Kid # 1, crunchy and good.


Kid # 2 Not bad, but not good.

But my mom is a freak and makes me eat it anyway!

(Yes he's right, I'm a MEAN MEAN MOMMA:)

Kid # 3, what you talking about Willis, this is the best stuff I've ever had.

Well not as good as King Cake :)

So there we have it ladies and gentlemen, no matter what our kids try and tell us (and believe me I have heard it all) they will not DIE, SPONTANEOUSLY COMBUST, or SHOOT THEIR EYE OUT, by eating salad. And yes, mine have tried it all!
And yes Jakob, it is good for your colon......


Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said...

Both my boys eat I a lucky mama or what?

Kristin said...

Three out of four children at my house recomment salad daily. The other could care less. :-)

I'm just me... said...

I wish Tink would at least try salad. She is so picky! Lately I've been able to get her to try a few different things. I'm hoping she will eventually decide she likes some of them.

Denise Grover Swank said...

Emma, Jenna, Ross and Trace love salads. Ryan and Julia turn up their noses. But they have to eat some anyway. {Insert maniacal laugh} hahahahahhaha!!!!

Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said...

Hope you are having a nice weekend...

Stop by my blog when you get a second...I've tagged you!

Elizabeth said...

Sam gags if anything with that texture goes near his pie hole. He once went out with friends and got an onion in his pizza. He almost lost it at the table.

I'm so jealous!