Friday, August 28, 2009

A little sparkle never hurt anybody!

Today was a misty drizzly day. Kind of reminded me of when I get a headache. Your cloudy and droopy and just waiting for the fog to be lifted off of your brain. The temperature was in the low 70's but until the rain was done falling on our heads, those 70 temperatures could of just as well been the 90's.

As I was walking to class trying to stay dry, I still couldn't help notice the beauty that was all around me.
I'm passed the nervous stage (well sort of :). Walking around the KSU campus has been more enjoyable the last 2 times, I'm letting myself enjoy all the sights. The nature sights and the student BODY sights.

Magnolia trees are as far as the eye can see on the school grounds. And there is always the smell of fresh Cypress mulch in the air. Those 2 combinations make this southern fried girl, very happy.

I'm assuming like most things in life, there will be stages....

  • holy crap what am I doing!!

  • nervous about being a freshman who's main talent has nothing to do with beer pong!

  • OK we CAN do this!

  • excitement, like a puppy that keeps going for the same damn toy over and over again

  • comfortable

  • relaxed

  • and then like all good things that come to an end, AM I HERE AGAIN!

I'm at the puppy dog stage, I'm thinking I will be here for awhile. Comfortable is not ANY where in my future. I'm as far out of my element as I can possibly be. And I'm learning to love it. EVERY single minute of it!

As I'm writing this, I'm sitting in the library waiting for my Algebra class to open up. Yes I am a nerd and get here EARLY. I would rather wait for my professor and still have enough time to visit my friend (the restroom) before class each day. I walk up the 4 flights of stairs (can I add that to my walking schedule?) and wait, with a smile on my face.

As I'm walking the 17 miles to and from my car each day and then again waiting for my class, I'm always observing.

So many thoughts go through my mind....

My classes have been COLD, there is no chilly in that sentence, it is COLD! And sadly, I don't think some of these young girls walking around have been taught that short shorts and even tighter tank tops, in the fridge arctic air, show EVERYONE that you and your "girls" (no matter how big or small) are cold.

I also keep thinking that my dear sweet husband is a saint. He went through college, as I went through 2 pregnancies. I went from one of those cute, short shorts and tighter tank tops to Shamu the beached whale. People, there was nothing pretty about me being pregnant, N O T H I N G. And he walked around looking at "chilly girls" and having to go home to the cookie monster.

He has earned some points and doesn't even know it!

I also can understand how kids go to college and become someone else. Or maybe not really someone else, just the person they are suppose to be. In just my few classes, my professor have told stories about their reasons for things and how they learned things and it really opens your mind up to different ideas.

As I'm walking around, I also look at certain kids and think, is that going to be Hannah? Or Jakob? Or Alex? I'm curious at which one of those students they will be? How will they observe their college experience?

And lastly, I think I have come to terms with the fact that I'm probably going to enjoy this experience more than I ever thought possible. I'm curious to see how this will all end. Will I be a different person? I hope not! I like my goofy, non speaking correctly self.

I hope that I'm like a 34 year old wedding ring that gets taken in for some fine tuning and a good cleaning.

Still the same tried and true ring, but with lots more sparkle to it :)


Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said...

Loved this post! Most of the kids in college aren't observing and absorbing half as much as are having the whole experience and it sounds like you are really appreciating it.

And I think you are pretty sparkly already!

Unknown said...

Hi Heidi! I found you on mombloggersclub and I was glad to find someone in the Woodstock area! Love the blog... I went to KSU for a year. How do you like it?
check out my blog:
I hope to network with you!
Olivia Johnston

Elizabeth said...

Ahh, girl. There you go again.

How about another blog to add to your blogdom? One that just focuses on being a nontraditional student. You captured this perfectly!

Well done.