Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I'm SO going into the white light!

don't be fooled, they are really vicious beasts and are just napping in between missions

bye bye carpet

hello hardwoods

Brian has worked on the spindles for the past two Sundays and they are turning out beautifully. Hopefully he will be done this weekend, so he can give his back a break!

new carpet in the bedrooms

we still have some minor details to work on, you know like door knobs :)

We can see the light at the end of the tunnel, and it is a beautiful shade of DONE. My husband, my father in law and I worked on our very first house together back in Louisiana. We got that house just perfect and then within a year sold it. This time, it's all for us. We are going to enjoy every inch of this house for as long as God keeps us in it. Which we're hoping is until retirement :)

1 comment:

Mel said...

looks AMAZING!!!
when is the new look housewarming? :)