Tuesday, June 15, 2010

okay, maybe more than just a few

our kids Track season is ALMOST in the home stretch. After this weekend we have (possibly two more meets) and then we're done for the summer! THANK YOU JESUS,MARY, AND JOSEPH!

All three of the kids have improved so much since January, knocking off tens of seconds at each meet.

All three of them are running long distance; Jakob doing a 3000 meter, 1500 meter and 800 meter, Hannah doing a 1500 meter, 800 meter, 400 meter and 4x400 relay and Alex doing 1500 meter, 800 meter and 4x400 relay.

This week Alex has started his high school (breathe in) cross country track season. He has three 7 AM practices and two 6:30 in the evening practices. This stuff is no joke! But in one week he has already improved tremendously.

I'm happy for this track season to come to an end and have a little break in July.
Hannah's swim will also be finishing up in July and that will leave only Alex with practices.

I haven't had my country time lemonade yet, have you??

But I have had a few cocktails at the pool and on my back porch, so I guess I can't complain :)

1 comment:

The Campbells said...

No lemonade for me either, and you aren't sharing those cocktails. You have fantastic kids and you should be awesomely proud of each of them.